COMM 720-847-9702 DSN 847-9702
140th Force Support Squadron
Mission: The 140th Force Support Squadron provides customer-focused support, products and services to our 1,500 Guardsmen and women and their dependents, DoD and NAF civilian employees, services members from all branches and all retired military personnel.
Our Sustainment Services Flight develops and maintains programs focused on lodging, food service, fitness and recreation, Color Guard, mortuary affairs and protocol services. The Manpower and Personnel Flight provides services including military and dependent ID cards, education services and personnel support functions. The Airman and Family Readiness Flight provides unmatched service and support to our members and their families to include emergency assistance and deployment-related support and services. Our Recruiting and Retention office is focused on enlisting the best and the brightest into the Colorado Air National Guard, and supporting them throughout their careers through a variety of bonus and re-enlistment incentive packages.
Hours of Operation - Tues-Fri 0800-1600
Sat UTA 0830-1500
Sun UTA 0830-1430
140th Civil Engineering Squadron
Mission: Deploy worldwide to support aircraft operations at any deployed base, providing force bed down, operations and maintenance support, fire protection, crash rescue, Chemical Biological and Nuclear (NBC) attack warning and detection, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Base Recovery After Attack (BRAAT), including Airfield Damage and Repair (ADR) duties during wartime operations.
The 140th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) is a 99 member Squadron that is tasked with a dual mission to provide follow-on Prime Base Engineering Emergency Forces (BEEF) in support of State, National and Worldwide emergencies, as well as to support the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the base facilities and infrastructure. The squadron is responsible for planning, programming, designing and managing construction projects for the various facilities and locations throughout the Colorado Air National Guard area of responsibility. As part of that mission, the men and women of the squadron identify, define and validate maintenance repair and construction requirements for two Geographically Separated Units as well as Buckley Air Force Base itself. The 140th Civil Engineer Squadron is also responsible for the 140th Wing Environmental, Emergency Management and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) functions.
140th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Mission: Provide procurement, issue, and transportation services to the 140th Wing, Colorado National Guard, and the Department of Defense in order to meet the needs of our community, state, and nation.
The 140th Logistics Readiness Squadron operates in various locations throughout the base and is made up of several flights. The fuels management flight is responsible for storing and issuing millions of gallons of aviation fuel annually to the 120th Fighter Squadron. The Resource Control Center, a 24-hour operation, maintains command and control of all fuels assets. The Materiel Management Flight provides 24-hour, 7-day-a-week customer service and supply support to the 140th Wing supply account. The 140th Logistics Readiness Squadron also maintains 140th Wing's F-16 mobility readiness spares packages. The readiness flight is responsible for ensuring the 140th Wing is a deployable entity for the Combat Air Force.
140th Security Forces Squadron
Mission: To secure Air Force assets and personnel, protect the state and nation, and forward deploy forces at any time and any place.
The 140th Security Forces Squadron is responsible for the safety and security of assigned and transient aircraft, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection programs and provides Combat Arms Training for all Air Expeditionary Forces assigned to the 140th Wing. One of the most heavily deployed squadrons in the Wing, the 140 SFS provides highly trained "Defenders" to the Air Expeditionary Forces.
140th Communications Flight
Mission: To provide mission ready communication services and personnel while supporting mobile preparedness in peace and war.
The 140th Communications Flight provides communications and information capabilities supporting the 140th Wing. Keeping an eye on transforming the Air Force mission to better, faster and less expensive methods of operation, the 140th Communications Flight continuously plans for programming of acquisition and installation of the latest available technologies enhancing primary missions. They manage and oversee compliance to Air Force standards for all 140th Wing information technology including small computers, Land Mobile Radios, Local Area Network, telecommunications and network infrastructure. Acting as the eyes and ears for the Wing Commander on all communications and information matters, the 140th Communications Flight leverages information technology for more effective fighter operations, maintenance, support and medical operations.