Words from Gen Eyre - Nov 2012 Published Nov. 21, 2012 By Trulan A. Eyre 140th Wing Commander BUCKLEY AFB, Colo. -- 140th Wingmen, Hopefully you all have had a chance to read the email from Gen Welsh, our new USAF Chief of Staff. It's hard to add to what he had to say about Veteran's Day, the response nationally to Hurricane Sandy, and the blessings we share as a nation as Thanksgiving approaches.....so therefore, I'll keep this short. Like Gen Welsh, I am honored to serve with each of you as we assist in the defense of all we hold dear, and respond locally when called upon. If someone hasn't told you thanks recently, let me do so and please know how proud we all are of you for your sacrifice in the name of the greater good. There are people in the world who make a difference, and you all are definitely difference makers. As you celebrate this week with loved ones, keep in mind that we have more than 250 fellow Cougars deployed and unable to be with their families. I have asked my staff to send you the first Redeye Newsletter we received from overseas and as you will see, they are doing great work, and representing us extremely well. We are fortunate to be members of such a great Wing! Please enjoy the week, and I ask that you do so responsibly. You are way too important to go out and hurt yourselves or someone else while celebrating. Thanks again for all you do. It is a sincere privilege to serve with every single one of you....I couldn't be prouder. Your Wing Commander, Tru Eyre TRULAN A. EYRE, Brig Gen, COANG