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  • Joint training with Jordan a ‘win-win,’ says Gen. Lengyel

    Joint training and a longtime State Partnership Program relationship benefit both the National Guard and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel said during a recent visit here. "The National Guard is contributing to our nation's enduring commitment to Jordan's security," the

  • Academy Airfield strengthened by Total Force Airmen

    Colorado National Guardsman recently joined Air Force Reservists working alongside active duty Airmen to execute the Airmanship program here. For the first time, six Guardsmen will support the 557th Flying Training Squadron as it revives the solo flight curriculum in its powered flight program in

  • COANG commemorates 50th anniversary of Vietnam

    “I was sitting in the weapons shop when we got called up,” said Larry Jacobson, a retired 120th Fighter Squadron pilot who fought in Vietnam. “Chaos ensued.” Perhaps no statement could better describe the reaction when members of the 120th Fighter Squadron and other Colorado Air National Guard

  • 140th Wing bids final farewell to 200th Airlift Squadron

    Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, the Colorado National Guard, veterans, and their families joined together for a formal deactivation ceremony of the 200th Airlift Squadron, Oct. 14, at Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colorado. Until June 2018, the 200th AS was a geographically separated unit

  • Colo. Air National Guard commemorates 95 years of service

    The Colorado Air National Guard has a proud history that can be traced back to June 27, 1923, when the 120th Aero Observation Squadron, 45th Division, Aviation, was mustered into service as part of the Colorado Army National Guard. Initially composed of eight officers and 50 enlisted members, the

  • Air National Guard team implements new software at Thule AB

    Being located in Greenland, Thule Air Base is 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle and just 947 miles south of the North Pole. More than 80 percent of the 840,000 square miles that make up Greenland are covered by a polar ice cap and glaciers.

  • COANG hosts Jordanians for NCO development exchange

    Airmen from the Royal Jordanian Air Force and 140th Wing, Colorado Air National Guard participate in a non-commissioned officer development exchange at Buckley AFB, Mar. 11-18, 2018. Jordanian NCOs visited Colorado as a part of the National Guard’s State Partnership Program in efforts to exchange

  • 140th Wing Fire Department fights a fire for base neighbors

      Airmen assigned to the 140th Wing Fire Department were re-routed during routine structure burn training at the Sable Altura Fire Department and dispatched to a real-world structure fire in Bennett, Colorado, March 2, 2018. Dan Gordon, Buckley Fire and Emergency Services station chief, 460th Space

  • Colorado Air National Guard exercises to defend America's freedom

      As the 140th Wing, Colorado Air National Guard, must maintain proficiency in their F-16 flying mission, the local community can anticipate an increase in noise levels during an extended drill weekend March 1-4. “As an Air National Guard unit, we have a limited number of days to train our