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140th Wing's new Inspector General Team

BUCKLEY AFB, Colo. -- We are pleased to announce that the new 140th Wing Inspector General Team is up and running! Lt. Col. Craig "LOBO" Wolf, acting as the Wing Inspector General, will lead this new team in building Col. Dunstan's Commander's Inspection Program (CCIP). Lt. Col. Richard Boylan will continue to serve as the Wing's Director of Complaint Resolution as a Traditional Guardsman. 1st Lt. Danielle Santos will serve as the full-time Wing XP/DOMOPS/WIT Manager, while SMSgt Steve Tollett will be the IG Superintendent and MSgt Craig Myers will be the MICT/SAP Monitor.

In addition to our full-time IG team, we have already conducted three Wing Inspection Team (WIT) training classes and have 26 WIT members trained. These WIT members will augment the full-time IG team on an as-needed basis through the year to assist with our CCIP inspections.

Lt. Col. Wolf extends his sincerest thank you to the Group Commanders, Group POC's, and WIT members that are supporting our effort. In order to be successful, this program will require the efforts and maximum participation of the entire wing, from the Wing Commander's office to the Student Flight.

If you have any questions, the IG team contact information is listed below. In addition, you will find many pertinent documents, training and inspection calendars, and the IG discussion board on our IG SharePoint.

140WG IG Organizations Email: 140wg.ig@ang.af.mil
140 Wing IG Share Point: https://eis.ang.af.mil/org/140WG/WingStaff/IG/SitePages/Forms/AllPages.aspx

Lt Col Wolf, 140WG/IG (DSN: 847-6389, Comm 720-847-6389, BB: 303-907-3129)
Lt Col Richard Boylan, 140WG/IGQ ((DSN: 847-9053, Comm 720-847-9053, Cell: 303-229-2372)
1st Lt Danielle Santos, 140WG/IGI/XP (DSN: 847-9048, Comm 720-847-9048, BB: 303-915-3608)
SMSgt Steven Tollett, 140WG/ IGS (DSN:847-9040, Comm 720-847-9040)
MSgt Craig Myers, 140WG/IG/MICT/SAP Monitor (DSN:847-9023, Comm 720-847-9023)